Sunday, June 22, 2014


Political play vs. the sovereignty of God.
Daniel 1
Rather than asking 'What in the world is happening to Christianity today?', we ask instead, 'What in the United States is happening to Christianity today?' It is a historical fact  that basic Christianity shaped the founding of this country, and influenced its subsequent development. Christian thought and practice were the underlying principles and undergirding support of laws and rules of conduct. America grew and developed and prospered and soon became a world power.  

From being the single most influencing factor on the nation and its development, Christianity has  slowly but surely given place to rebellious outbreaks of ungodly influences, false and opposing philosophies, and outright defiance of God, church and the Bible! Evil men and women have waxed worse in each succeeding generation, seducing, deceiving and being deceived.

The population has sought to erase God from all aspects of public (and private) life, and elevated man on the throne from which they have displaced God. Instead of acknowledging the sovereignty of God and finality of His Word, the people have joined together in rebellion against Him!  And like at Babel of old, God has confounded the language of the country, so that we do not understand each other, and don't have time to listen to God. As man becomes more and more obsessed with himself, and his own grasp on power, and his own dubious achievements, even so he has slowly and gradually let go of God, and denied His sovereignty while slowly deifying himself!

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Psalms 2:1-5 KJV

The book of Daniel is an awesome demonstration of power of Almighty Yahweh over all nations, irrespective of the rulers and their policies. It was God who allowed Nebuchadnezzar to hold sway over the nations, as He demonstrated! And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.  Daniel 1:2 KJV
It was God who allowed Judah to be made captive, after they had ignored His continuous warnings. Jeremiah was a despised prophet, because of the warnings that he faithfully brought from God! He complained to God that God was making a fool out of him, but was told to continue faithfully, even though no one listened to him!  He was threatened, imprisoned and charged with treason for his message, and almost executed! No one wanted to listen to him! They preferred those that constantly told them good things about themselves! They wanted positive messages and words that made them feel good about themselves. Despite what the world and the masses may think however, God will have His way!
World history and politics may say it differently but the whole movement of Judah to Babylon was orchestrated by God. Judah's fall to Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar was a result of their continual disobedience and rejection of God, and their despising and persecution of His messengers. Man always tend to view world events in relation to physical events, political strategies, and social reforms etc. Practically all the time he fails to realize God is behind the scenes, in absolute control of all things.  
Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

God usually gives people a leader they deserve! It's God who allows a ruler to be in position, despite the elections and popularity polls. God allows thing for a reason, and the subsequent actions of said leader allows God to be glorified in heaven and earth! Despite the fact that God allows these leaders to be in power, they are responsible for their actions, and will be brought into account. Zechariah the prophet gives some insight into this: And the LORD said to me, "Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd. "For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces. "Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye; His arm shall completely wither, And his right eye shall be totally blinded." Zechariah 11:15-17 NKJV

Imagining the chess pieces moving themselves does require a stretch of imagination. It's much more sensible to realize someone is moving the pieces. Many persons of some influence and power believe that they are the players on planet earth, and usually live without realizing that they are being played! God moves and allows movement and action as He sees fit. Because men have failed to acknowledge the sovereignty of God, and rejected His rule of law,  they have been allowed to fall prey to their own schemes, plots and devices.   

The character of Christians on display in a hostile environment.

The book of Daniel is both political and prophetic in nature. Also running right through from its first to its last chapter is the theme of what is pleasing to God! Right from the first chapter Daniel and his companions are tossed into a totally foreign fantasy of cultural shock, religious challenges and political intrigue! Brought under the shadow of the megalomaniac despot, Nebuchadnezzar, they are challenged in patriotism, faithfulness, and politics.

Remember these are just teenage boys probably 14 to 16 years old torn from all that they hold dear, from all that is familiar and in a sense tossed into the melting pot of paganism where anything goes. In a country and world that expects certain results in answer to prayer, there is much puzzlement and denial when it appears that God has not answered, or the answer received is unexpected and disappointing. Wouldn't you think that with all their loyalty to Yahweh, and devotion to his laws, they would have been spared? Would they have been justified if after the disaster that befell them, they yielded to the environment in which they found themselves? Yet we see that despite all that happened they resolved that regardless of the environment they will not let go of their convictions and beliefs.

God honors the faithful and steadfast!

When faced with the dilemma of dealing with new anti Yahweh policies and practices, Daniel and his friends did not take up placards and go on marches! There was no rudeness to those in charge nor display of fanatic behavior. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.  1 Corinthians 13:3 NKJV.  There was no 'holier than thou' attitude. He insulted no one and despised no one! At the same time he does not disregard his devotion to principles and godly conviction. This teenager reasoned in a respectful and peaceful manner. He sought a solution that the other side was also satisfied with, and still maintained his principles and convictions.
Now God had brought Daniel into the favor and goodwill of the chief of the eunuchs.  Daniel 1:9 NKJV
God is in complete control! God honored Daniel! He and his friends were found to be superior in physical condition, knowledge and wisdom. They were found to be 10 times better than all the experts of those fields, in the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar.
As a very young man in a foreign land that was hostile to his way of belief and life, Daniel did not panic, and did not despair. His life was guided by the law of God and as we see later on he was very familiar with the prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah. He paid attention to the Word!

Submission to God is not in expectation of being bailed out of trouble. Submission does not lay down conditions. Submission accepts whatever God has decided and determined to do for His glory. For man to try glorifying himself in place of God is an unacceptable and detestable abomination before heaven's throne

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