APPROACHING THE ADVENT! A 25 day Devotional until Christmas Day!

First there was this guy, a Jewish priest named Zacharias. He and his wife Elizabeth were righteous before God.
They were a very good and decent couple, who knew and obeyed their Holy Scriptures.
They had one little problem, but in the time that they lived, where being barren was a curse, it was a huge problem!
The problem? They had no children!
It was not for lack of trying, but natural barriers were against them.
Elizabeth was barren!
Now they were old; still devout, and still devoted to God, but old. They were both long past the time for child bearing!
This priestly couple must have often wistfully thought of Abraham and Sarah's miracle with baby Isaac, and probably fondly imagined it happening to them! However time had passed by and nothing had happened!
Then God sent the angel Gabriel!
Not in man's time, but God's time!
Because God does, what only God can do, when God is ready! And when God is ready neither time, nor nature, nor popular opinion, can defeat His purpose!
God has a plan! God always has a plan! And His plan from eternity will unfold before us, and in us, in the fullness of time!
So maybe we do not know why things are the way they are with us right now, but let us remember this couple, and remain faithful to God!
He has a plan for you, and His plan from eternity will be fulfilled in the fullness of time! Be steadfast! Be faithful! Stay with Him!
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV)

Never in his wildest dreams did Zacharias expect to be offering up incense that particular day! He could only hope to get that privileged opportunity, maybe once in his lifetime! It was somewhat like being chosen in our time, to light the Olympic torch! However as far as the priests were concerned, the honor of being selected to light the Olympic torch paled in comparison to lighting holy incense before the Lord, in front of the Holy of holies!
The priest chosen to offer incense was chosen by the casting of lots. Due to the numerous priests in a single division, (and there were 24 divisions!), that privilege may only appear once in a lifetime, if even that! So it was striking that Zacharias was chosen by that improbable lot, for that particular time?
Was it Coincidence? I think not!
It was no mere coincidence that Zacharias was chosen to offer incense that particular day! What may have seemed like mere coincidence was actually ordered by the Lord!
Why? Because God was bringing His plan into effect!
Often we pass off as coincidence that which God arranged to fulfill His purpose in our life. Often we fail to recognize the hand of God because we think naturally! What we may pass of as serendipitous coincidence may actually be God's Divine Providence! We therefore need to pay the most earnest heed to the things we see, hear, and experience, and not let them slip!
Truly the steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. (Psalms 37:23 NKJV)

"Fear not, Zacharias," was Gabriel's first greeting.
"Your prayer is heard!" Word!
We all know what Zacharias had been praying for! And now it was answered! Elizabeth will have a son! Not when Zacharias wished, but in the fullness of time! God's time!
Why now? Because God wanted to give Zac and Liz an extraordinary answer! They were now going to see the reward of their faithfulness to God, and receive His Divine favor!
God honored their devoted faithfulness to Him by a special gift. He gave them the herald of His own Son's coming! He gave them John...The Voice!  This was the reason for the long delay in answering their prayers! John could only be given when Father God was ready to send His own Son! In the fullness of time!
The heavenly package was already given a name, a mission, and empowerment!
How long have we been praying for that need of ours to be supplied?
How faithful and devoted have we remained to God?
How willing are we to wait on Him, until He answers?
How sad it is that so often, we are ready to give up and seek answers elsewhere!
How possible it becomes for us to miss out on His best, because on Him we didn't want to rest!
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. (Psalms 27:14 KJV)

Have you ever found yourself in the place where it's wise to stop talking, but your mouth keeps on going? Zacharias did!
Zechariah's prayer was answered, after a long time, in a spectacular and dramatic way, but when that happened, he became a lawyer and debater! As Gabriel pointed out, Zacharias did not believe what he heard. He wanted proof! Come on Zach, you did read of father Abraham and his wife Sarah, didn't you? If God did it once, HE CAN DO IT AGAIN!
But Zach argued with the angel Gabriel! He wanted a sign, and he got one that he never expected. How about nine months of really quiet time to contemplate what was just announced? The irony of being dumb until his son, who would be Messiah's herald, was born is not lost! The dumb priest received into his care the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, the mouthpiece of the Lord! Zach would not speak again until the Voice came!
Why are we always asking for proof when the Word of God already declares it? So often we argue instead of believing! It's as if what we were praying for is so unlikely and impossible, that when we actually get a response we begin finding all the reasons why it cannot happen! Our reasoning moves to the unreasonable, as if we seek to deny what we desired of God!
Here's some advice for what it is worth: next time an angel of God brings you a response from God, think before you speak; or try keeping your mouth shut, before he shuts it for you.
"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19 NKJV)

Elizabeth was the happiest woman in Israel!
Her time to shine had come in a spectacular way!
The shame of being a barren, old wife was taken away!
Not to mention she won't hear Zach complaining, arguing, or yelling for the next nine months! Her mouth probably itched to tell Zach that his mouth finally got him into trouble! Well maybe not!
Of all the women in Israel, God picked the barren, old wife of an aged priest to bring forth the Voice, and an unmarried, young virgin to bring forth His Son! They were both members of the same family, for Elizabeth was Mary's cousin.
God honored both the old and the young!
However while Elizabeth's reproach of being a married, barren, aged wife was taken away, Mary was about to bear the reproach of being an unmarried, pregnant, young woman!
What were their respective responses?
Elizabeth said, "Look what the Lord has done!
Look what the Lord has done!
He took away my reproach and gave me a son!
Zach may not be talking, but our son's name is John!
Look what the Lord has done!"
Mary said, "Be it unto me according to your word!"
Rejoicing in the Lord, and submission to the Lord!
Two qualities for all believers to embrace! Joyful submission unto the Lord is most commendable in the Christian!
"I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart.” Psalms 40:8 (NKJV)

God used the same messenger Gabriel, to deliver His Word first to Zacharias, the aged priest, then to Mary, the young virgin!
Both were messages of important events that were improbable and totally impossible in that day and time! The birth of John to an aged, barren woman and the birth of Jesus to a young, unmarried virgin were notable miracles!
Curiously enough, both miracles can be made possible today by modern medical science. Yet men still scoff at the idea of a virgin birth, while they make TV shows like Jane the virgin! Why is it any less possible for God to accomplish that, which is now acceptable as medically possible?
Why does mankind still mock the miracles of the Bible and the believer in God? Is it because they are afraid that if they accept the record of the Bible they will then be forced to accept the reality of a higher Power? Is it because they will realize that accountability is a reality each one will face? Yet the miracle of Jesus’ birth took place because of the love of God for mankind, and because God desired that mankind escape condemnation!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16 KJV)

That must have been the fastest flight Gabriel ever took! Like a streak of lightning he reached Nazareth, and simply burst out with the first ever Hail Mary! "And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1:28 KJV) Gabriel's impetuous, excited greeting obviously disturbed Mary, and he hastened to reassure her, and calm her fear. He had collected himself together and resumed his official angelic demeanor, though probably still vibrating with barely suppressed excitement! After all this was the biggest event in the history of the universe, and time, and eternity! Heaven's Beloved was assuming human flesh, and not just as a grown man, but as a helpless baby in a virgin's womb! All this to reach a world of people that was alienated from Him! People He loved with an Everlasting Love!
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. (Galatians 4:4-5 NKJV)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16 NKJV)

When he announced the birth of John to Zacharias, Gabriel also declared John's destiny and mission.  John was a chosen vessel, filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb and was literally being groomed from the womb for his mission! Elisabeth carried a Spirit-filled voice in her womb! John was an announcer even then! He heard Mary's voice from inside the womb! This embryo, or fetus, or whatever name the world now gives to a baby in the womb recognized by the Spirit, who Mary was, and then Elisabeth knew!
Mary did not have to tell Elizabeth anything. John did!
John was serious about his mission! He was no mistake!
That child you may not have planned for is not a mistake! You may have made a mistake, but God does not! That unborn child is not just a piece of trash to be disposed of like garbage, but a life with a pre-written destiny! That destiny may very well be your salvation! 
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV)

Do not shorten his name to Gabe!
It's not Gabe! It's Gabriel! It's not Mike! It's Michael!
Do not take that "el" from his name, for that is what defines him as being from God! That Divine connection is vital to the angels of God! That Divine connection is also vital to man! We are of God little children!
Gabriel said, "I stand in the presence of God! I am sent to bring you these glad tidings!
What does it take to stand in the presence of God? Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully.(Psalms 24:3-4 NKJV)
There is no place for lies, deceit or any sin in the Presence of YAHWEH! We cannot claim God's presence and live a lie! We cannot be full of ourselves, our opinions, our self glory and stand in His presence, for no flesh shall glory in His Presence! Nothing but truth emanates from the throne of God! When God sends His messengers to you, it would be wise to listen and obey God! Rather than doubting and looking for self satisfaction like Zacharias, we should like Mary humbly say, Be it unto my according to thy word!

Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" (Luke 1:34 NKJV)
It was an obvious question considering her present unmarried and virgin state!
She did not deny, doubt, or say it was impossible! She simply wanted to know how this will happen. She was in effect saying, "Umm, I know all about the birds and the bees, so how will this happen, before I'm really married?"
Her question gives us insight into Mary's character. She was virgin pure and intended to remain that way for her husband to be, so please explain how this will happen!
Some have suggested that Mary, soon to be married, will most definitely have children anyway, so couldn't Gabriel be referring to that? However Mary understood from the angel's announcement that her conception would not occur naturally, and had nothing to do with man, hence her question!
There was no precedent to the miracle that the angel announced to Mary, while in Zacharias' case there was an outstanding precedent in Abraham and Sarah!
Zacharias therefore received a silencing rebuke for doubting, while Gabriel took time to explain to Mary what Father God was about to accomplish through her. God dislikes doubt and unbelief, but He is always willing to enlighten the honest, genuine seeker after truth.
"For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37 NKJV)

Longed for since the Eden episode, the seed of the woman made His appearance in the fullness of time! The desire of all Hebrew women to be the mother of Messiah found fulfillment in Mary! His name shall be called Jesus (Yashua), for He shall save His people from their sins! God had said to the enemy, "... I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." (Genesis 3:15 NKJV). So "...when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, (Galatians 4:4 NKJV). Everything in God's plan happened exactly when He decreed that it would happen. The hope and salvation of man had arrived and everyone who who believed on Him found redemption and reconciliation to Father God! We became family through the gift of God's Love, for the Lord Jesus Christ was the embodiment and full manifestation of the Love of the Father!
Now nothing can separate us from God's love! When sin became a barrier, God became the sin bearer! When our humanity separated us from His Divinity, He invaded humanity as a tiny baby overflowing with the love of God! His life is a river of love that never stops flowing! This flow if invited in, will sweep away every obstacle, wash away every barrier, and fill us to overflowing with a love that passes knowledge!

As today's celebrity ministers become more and more unreachable, with a stormy sea of protocols and security to wade through for any semblance of a meeting, what a relief and joy it is to know that our Master, the Lord God, laid aside all barriers in order to interact with the vilest sinner or criminal in a personal and compassionate manner! He did not order the best hotel in town; neither did He turn out others to occupy the whole floor. He was at ease with the rich and the poor, the sinner and the saint, the important and the unimportant! He did not make demands, but simply chose to occupy a manger when there was no room in the inn! It is my humble opinion that we should compare the behavior and demands of those who call themselves ministers of Christ and see if they measure "down" to the Master Himself who said "...As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." (John 20:21 NKJV)
Don’t feel badly when you’re rejected and ignored by the “elite group”! You’re in good company, for He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. (John 1:11 NKJV), and now He says to you "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV)

Two babies born six months apart, of two cousins, were the focal point of Christmas. Even before being fully formed, Baby John was leaping up in the womb at the sound of Mary's voice! His whole life was focused on one thing, and that was to be the herald of the coming of the Lord! John was contented to remain in the background while doing his utmost to promote his famous cousin and Lord!
 The Baby Jesus was the focal point of Christmas! He entered the physical world as a baby to be the Way for us to enter his Spiritual Kingdom! So often we forget that a self absorbed ruler went on a rampage to remove the child Jesus from his presence. In his mad effort to eradicate the presence of Jesus, Herod ordered the murder of babies, lots of babies, after he declared a war on Bethlehem's babes! The passage of time has not changed this trend. Even today many rulers and those in high positions are engaged in all out battle to eradicate any presence of Jesus and Christmas from our society! Foolish leaders continue to order any presence of Christianity be removed or covered up as they pursue their Herodian agenda! Officials wage war on Nativity Scenes! The use of the word ‘Christmas’ is being discouraged and forbidden! But just like Herod of old they will all find out that the plan of God cannot be frustrated, and that despite their most vigorous effort the Baby from the manger in Bethlehem is always triumphant!

In the Messiah's advent God did an old thing then He did a new thing. First he made an old, barren couple to have a son, just like He had done with Abraham and Sarah so many years before. Second, he made a young, unmarried virgin give birth to the Son of God, without the involvement of any human father, which was a totally new thing! God made an important connection between the old and the new. The child of the old was the forerunner for the Child of the new, and as John later pointed out, "This is He of whom I said, 'After me comes a Man who is preferred before me, for He was before me.' (John 1:30 NKJV)
Every Jew anticipated and expected Messiah. No one anticipated or expected John. Yet God arranged it so that they were united. John was the epilogue to the old and the prologue to the new! John was the last of the prophets from the Old Covenant, and was raised up at that specific time to introduce Israel to the Author and Finisher of the New Covenant! It was the time of transition from servant-hood to son-ship!
Yet many rejected Jesus for He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. (John 1:11 NKJV)
There are so many times in life when we are comfortable with the old, and are unwilling to accept the new! Yet God is doing new things all the time! When we are comfortable with the old, we can become oppositional to the new. Some live by the code "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" The law is perfect, but the law made nothing perfect! Jesus is Perfect, and He makes all things new as He perfects us in a way no law ever could! Who wants to remain servants when they can be sons? Nothing will be impossible with God!

And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, "His name is John." So they all marveled. (Luke 1:63 NKJV)
In obedience to the heavenly messenger, both Elizabeth and Zacharias named their child John, much to the surprise of the relatives and neighbors who wanted the baby named after his father. However God was doing a new thing, so a new name was given. Tradition was laid aside to make way for the will of God! There's nothing casual and ordinary about the occasion, when God Himself has named your son!
God is always doing new things in the lives of those who are yielded to Him, and for those who seek Him. God loves to do new things! He makes all things new. In Christ we're new creations! He is constantly renewing and restoring us as we wait on Him.
Often we are comfortable with our traditions, and would like things to remain as we know them. It is always easy to fall back on tradition, and let that which was continue as it is! We are comfortable with things as they are, like some comfortable old clothes or favorite chair, but eventually God calls us to change! We are not often willing to accept change, but when God brings about a change we should be ready and eager to move with Him, and embrace His changes, because it is always for our good and His glory! The change may not always be pleasant and comfortable, but will fulfill His purpose for which we live. What new thing is God trying to do in your life? Why not let Him?

John led from the womb! John was filled with the Holy Spirit while in his mother's womb. Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting and John also heard it, though still in the womb! Yes! The embryo heard Mary's voice! Even as a six-month embryo, John was aware, and responded with intelligence! The greeting of Elizabeth by Messiah's mother evoked a physical response from baby John! Being filled with the Spirit, he leaped for joy after hearing the voice of the vessel chosen to bear the Messiah! Mary literally carried the Presence of the Lord!
Elizabeth also became filled with the Holy Spirit when embryonic John leaped at the sound of Mary's voice. In addition to being filled, Elizabeth also received a revelation! She suddenly knew who Mary really was, and Who Mary carried in her womb, and she prophesied! Elizabeth's prophetic revelation and prophecy of its fulfillment were a result of being filled with the Holy Ghost after John leaped in joy at the sound of Mary’s voice! John’s response is certainly an example of how to response to the Presence of the Lord, and how our response can influence others to glorify God!
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, And the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, And the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, And streams in the desert. Isaiah 35:5-6 NKJV)

After what seemed like a relatively dull and routine life, Zacharias' latter days were certainly exploding with the Divine Presence! Nine months ago he got to offer up the incense before the Lord, an improbable one time experience in the life of a priest. Then he received a visit from Gabriel who announced the birth of John. He doubted the angel's message and asked for a sign, so he himself became the sign, when he was smitten dumb for acting dumb! His aged barren wife becomes pregnant with a prophetic child who is filled with the Holy Ghost while still in the womb. His home received a visit from the mother of Messiah, and Elizabeth got filled when embryonic John leaped at the sound of Mary's voice. Elizabeth prophesied! Then John the Voice was born and Zach got his own voice back after the Voice was born! Now that Zach's tongue was loosened, he praised God and went into prophetic mode after being filled with the Spirit! No longer boring!
Your life may not seem like much to others. They may think it routinely boring and unexciting that you serve the Lord. Don’t let that faze you. Remain faithful! Perform your duty toward God in a spirit of thankfulness and praise! “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name...” (Hebrews 6:10 NKJV)

Then there was this guy Joseph. Just like his namesake of old, Joseph had some startling dreams! His dreams however did not get him into trouble like Joseph of old, but rather out of trouble! His first dream rescued both Mary and himself from a perplexing dilemma! The remaining recorded dreams geographically relocated him and his precious family to evade trouble! And yes I know, not all dreams are from God! That one you had last night may have been spicy crab talk, but it pays to examine each dream carefully! God speaks directly and also in code!
In whatever manner God chooses to speak we should be ready to listen and obey! By being obedient to the dreams from God, Joseph fulfilled prophecy, and changed the course of history! We do not hear of Joseph after this except when Jesus is later referred to as the carpenter's son. Yet God used this humble carpenter to build a home for His Son before Jesus began His ministry! Joseph was faithful to his task, and so should we, despite how humble it may appear. You may be sheltering and nurturing a great ministry! Do it well!

From natural appearances Joseph made his decision to put Mary away, and was prepared to act on it. What a remarkable difference divine revelation made in his decision, vision and mission!
His previous decision was reversed, and he did not delay in acting on the Divine assurance, and carrying out the Divine command.
His vision was no longer earthbound, for he was now a part of something bigger than he ever dreamed of, or hoped for in his whole lifetime. His life would never be the same again. Mary was special, and her unborn Son was his Savior and Lord!
His mission now was to protect and serve that Holy Thing that had revolutionized his quiet lifestyle!
It's just like Father God to bypass those puffed up with self importance and confound the wise of this world by having His Son born to a village maid, and protected and nurtured by the village ‘tecton’!
Joseph first had to listen to God's message and be obedient even to the point of submitting to that which went against his personal feelings. He took Mary as his wife and a whole new experience of Divine intervention exploded open before him!
He could have ignored the divine word, and gone about his own righteous way getting rid of Mary, but would have stifled the rest of His life! God gave him a choice to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary! His life was revolutionized as a result of his obedience to the heavenly vision.
So often we are inclined to act on our own cognizance and follow the trend of the day. Yet just so often God has another plan, and different directions. We can choose to follow our natural inclinations, and miss out on God's plan, or we can ignore popular opinion, and obey His Word to affect the world for His Glory!

It's amazing but not surprising, how many traditions have developed around the birth of Christ! Traditions can be lovely, and interesting, and commended, until they get in the way of the Word of God! We are all acquainted with the lovely little tradition about Mary and Joseph arriving at a busy Nazareth, looking in vain for a room, and being turned away by uncaring innkeepers, until allowed to stay in a stable with the animals, where Jesus was born and laid in a manger! And we preachers capitalize on the sentiment that "there was no room for them in the inn", while pleading with people to find room in their hearts for Jesus!
Yet the Bible says "So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered.” (Luke 2:6 NKJV)Yes, that’s right! While they were there, the time for Jesus' birth arrived. There had been no hurry to get to Bethlehem, and then unsuccessfully searching for a proper place to stay. They had arrived sometime before the birth of Jesus and were safely sheltered in a crowded house! After all the couple also had relatives in Bethlehem, who would surely extend hospitality to their relatives, especially a pregnant young woman!
We have been misled by the words 'inn' and 'manger', forgetting that Luke was writing to the people of his time, who knew what he was talking about, and we have built a tradition based on our present day understanding of the words. As mentioned previously traditions can be lovely, but when truth is revealed we are duty-bound to abandon tradition in favor of the truth! So what is it going to be? Are we prepared to faithfully look for the truth and follow it, or do we make the Word of no effect through our tradition?

Shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night, received an angelic visitation, and heard angelic anthems!
Just like King David who himself was a shepherd in Bethlehem, they spent a lot of time in the outdoors minding sheep.
Just like David, they were out of sight and out of mind, of everyone except God!
Just like David, God singled them out for special favor!
They were among the first to know of the birth of Jesus, Son of David! Do you think that maybe God did this as a special tribute to the man after His own heart, who hundreds of years before, filled the air over Bethlehem with his inspired psalms of praise to YAHWEH? Now God sends angels to return the favor, maybe to some of David's descendants?
Whatever it was, God sent an angel to shepherds nearby, and a star to wise men afar. Both were sent to give the message of Messiah's advent. Shepherds would not have understood the meaning of the star, but the magi would. God speaks to us in a way we understand. Father God has in these last days, spoken to us by His Son! How we respond to the Word is our responsibility!

The shepherds did not delay! They were eager to see that which the angel revealed to them. The only identifying factor given to them was that the baby would be wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. They would have to search through busy Bethlehem in the night to find one new born baby boy fitting that description.
They quickly searched the town until they found the Savior who is Christ the Lord!
How many homes did they disrupt that night, looking for the Baby? How many homes were they driven from by irate owners disturbed from sleep? Undaunted, they did not stop until they found what they were told to look for! There was therefore a reason why Jesus had to be in the manger. That was how the shepherds could identify Him! God made sure of this and He used the ordinary to reveal the extraordinary! Revelation must be acted on in a timely manner. Delay may result in being denied the privilege of seeing God's miracle!
God gave enough directions for the shepherds to find the Baby! They were required to do some footwork in order to accomplish their mission! Shepherds were the first humans to spread the news of what they had seen and heard! They heard the word, saw the Word, and spread the word about the Word! How willing are we to seek for what He has revealed to us? How willing are we to share?

The shepherds had an angel and the wise men had a star! It's remarkable that these total strangers to Israel were willing to travel that great distance to seek the King of the Jews to worship Him! Yet the chief priests and scribes who gave them the information about their final destination had no interest in following to find their own Messiah!
The chief priests and scribes were in great expectation of the Messiah to free them from Roman rule! They knew where to direct the wise men, yet they themselves did not go to Bethlehem to seek Him, who they said the prophet foretold would come forth from Bethlehem. It's never about how much you know! It's about how you act on the little that you do know!
Sometimes some people have all the answers yet they never do anything about it! They know everything there is to know about many things, but do nothing about anything! With all their vast knowledge they become losers, missing out on the reality of God, through indifference and non involvement.
Here's a thought: before we can accomplish anything worthwhile for God we need to get out of that comfort zone. What is your comfort zone? What is that line you have drawn which limits you from moving beyond your potential to God's enablement? It's not necessarily sitting down doing nothing. Your comfort zone may be that activity you are comfortable with, that activity you have earmarked as your territory and domain which, if anyone intrudes upon, creates contention and irritation. We often chose to ignore the call, or react sharply against it, resulting in a mediocre life that has missed out on God's plan.

The wise men came to Jerusalem bringing fantastic news from afar to a people who should have known! When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. (Matthew 2:3 NKJV)
Now here's a curious thing! Herod being troubled can be understood! Any talk or even thought of another king was a threat to him who was jealous and afraid of competition or a usurper. But why was all Jerusalem troubled also? Wouldn't the people of Jerusalem be happy to get news that their long awaited Messiah was finally here? To a people aware of the ramifications of a Jewish Messiah in a land currently dominated by Caesar and Roman politics, the thought of the possible, resultant upheavals disrupting the present relative peace of 'Pax Romana' would have been disturbing. Likewise today, many are afraid to rock the boat when God makes an appearance. They prefer their undisturbed forms and structure and rituals over a spiritual revolution!
Does news of the advent and presence of God disturb us or draw us? Does it embroil us or excite us? Do we live in anticipation or agitation? Do we rejoice or resent? Are we pleased or perplexed? Will we rebel or rejoice? What will we do with Jesus?

As we celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior
We're faced with His awesome Divine favor.
As we look on Him Who is called the Word
Let  us worship Him as Christ our Lord!

As Mary did at the angel's message,
Despite the rule of her times and age,
Let us say to Him Who we call Lord,
'Be it unto me according to Your Word'

As the shepherds did that glorious night,
Making all haste to find the Light!
Let's not delay on hearing His Voice,
But do His will as our hearts rejoice

Like the wise men who came from afar
To find the King by following the star,
Let us  not remain afar,
But closely follow our Morning Star!

As we celebrate this glorious day,
Let it not simply fade into yesterday,
But day by day as His Words we hear
Let live for Him in the coming year!

"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:14 NKJV)
I wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Spirit led New Year!
Be Accepted in Him! Be Blessed in Him!
Be Challenged by His Word ! Be Determined to follow our Lord!

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