Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Facebook Profile of Jesus!

If Jesus was on Facebook is a question often seen or heard.
But how many know that Jesus HAS His own Facebook profile?
It's a very active profile with constant variety. There are tons of pictures, videos and notes, lots of notes! He also has a very unique way of updating His Profile!
Even though He has a huge, publicly accessible profile, the majority of His postings are for private viewing only.
The private viewings are uniquely password protected and can only be accessed by individual, personal passwords which are released to specific persons by the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy Ghost Who actually manages the profile of Jesus very efficiently.

He has a public profile and He has also a private profile. You can probably refer to His profile as a layered profile. There is the first layer which is for general public viewing and interacting. Then there is the next level of privacy where only believers enter.
His private profile becomes progressively more and more private, especially prepared for the intimate ones.

All the world is able to access His public profile where all see His love, mercy and judgement.
He has released many pictures of His love, grace and sacrifice to the general public. Through these He invites the public to draw into a closer friendship with Him! Here is a curious phenomenon! The whole profile is see by the public but for some reason, the general public is unable to access the layered levels of the postings!
However those who accept His friend request are given a unique individual password to allow them access to more intimate postings. These friends suddenly find that the same postings they once viewed publicly has suddenly opened up to their view that which was not previously seen. Many times they will exclaim in delight and joy at what they now see!
You hear cries like , "Wow! I never saw that before!" ...or "this is so beautiful, powerful, glorious!" ..."Thank you Lord!" ..."more of You Lord!"
And with these new revelations they become eager to see more, for each revelation leaves them in anticipation of more, and even more glorious posts!  Those with their unique password will find that the more they make use of it to access the special layers in the postings they more they become excited for more of Him!

As we become more intimate with God we enter into progressively closer and intimate relationship. We are able to access many more things.
It's like Peter James and John and the other disciples. They all experienced Jesus' friendship in a unique way different from the general public. However some get even closer and like Peter, James and John are allowed to see the transfigured Christ!  And sometimes like John some of us behold so much of His awesome beauty and glory that it is overpowering and we fall on our faces in awe, worship, and total devotion.
Just like one of His post says:"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you."  John 15:13-15

Let's all strive to become so close friends of Jesus that He will release all His Divine postings to us! Let's look constantly into His Profile with earnestness so that He will open unto us those precious photo albums which portray the glorious beauty of His Divinity! Let's check for His updates constantly and seek after his special private postings!
"Now the Lord is that Spirit:and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

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