Sunday, November 18, 2012


The story of Ruth is well known by most Christians.
It's a tale of crisis, suffering and sorrow.
It's a tale of love, devotion and submission. 
It's a tale of loyalty, service and favor
It's a tale of intrigue, plotting and scheming.
It's a tale of hope, promise and redemption!

it’s the record of a bad beginning with a good ending!
The book of Ruth...To Moab and back. Read Ruth Ch 1-4

Chapter one:      Ruth's Resolution in her decision (Leaning of Love)
Chapter two:      Ruth's Resourcefulness in her duties (Labor of Love)
Chapter three:   Ruth's Reception in her devotion (Lesson of Love)
Chapter four:     Ruth's Reward in her destiny(Logic of Love)

It's the only book in the Bible that pivots around a Gentile Widow.
In its four short chapters, taking place during the time of the judges, it is like a beautiful sparkling gem in middle of an era of darkness, sin and suffering. We are privileged to look at this short powerful drama and realize its far reaching consequences and the pivotal place it occupies in the advent of Messiah.
The story begins with the grim setting in the days that the judges ruled and ends with the name of David the ancestor of Messiah our Savior and Kinsman Redeemer!
It begins with stark famine, sorrow and barrenness and ends with joy, laughter and fruitfulness.
It begins with forced poverty and ends with inherited riches.
It begins with death and ends with birth. 
It begins with tragedy and ends with triumph.
It begins with the lack of bread in the Bethlehem (the House of Bread) and ends with the unfailing promise of the Bread of Life!

Naomi's outlook on life was grim and bitter.
And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.  Ruth 1:20 KJV
She moved from being Naomi (pleasant) to Mara (bitter). She saw no hope in the foreseeable future.  However God was going to use the unassuming Moabite stranger who doggedly tagged along with her to a foreign land, to create spectacular history. We never know what God is going to use or do next in His master plan but when He is done we are amazed and delighted at His wisdom and goodness!
All we may see is the stark grimness of the present and near foreseeable future. God alone has the future wrapped up and He reveals it to whoever He will.
Naomi blamed God for all her misfortunes to the present.
Her testimony was ...that the hand of the LORD is gone out against me.  Ruth 1:13 KJV
However God was using all the misadventures of Naomi to weave a historical, prophetic tapestry of extraordinary Messianic beauty. Surely we most often only see the underside of tangled thread and knotted ugliness until God in His grace allows us a glimpse of the beauty he has wrought.
Hard times can make pleasantness become bitter especially when we fail to see the hand of God.
Naomi's planned and executed move to Moab resulted in tragedy to her family but God used it to bring goodness and mercy to the whole world.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28 KJV
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 2 Corinthians 4:17 KJV
So how insignificant do you think your life to be?
Did Naomi know she was to become the ancestor of our Messiah? Not in her wildest dreams...well maybe it was her hopeful thought at the beginning which was the dream and hope of every Jewish girl.
Naomi however lost that hope with the death of her sons and husband. All seemed physically impossible now...but who's looking at the physical?
A lesson from father Abraham is echoing here!
Naomi did not take into account the quiet, devoted foreigner by her side.
Do not ever think anything or anyone is too insignificant for God to use! For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:  27  But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;  28  And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:  29  That no flesh should glory in his presence. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 KJV
God used Aaron’s rod, David’s sling, the jawbone of an ass, a little boy’s lunch and some jars of plain water. God can use you even though you may feel insignificant, useless, overlooked and under achieving! He just requires you surrender into His hands and He will shape your life like the potter shapes the formless clay into objects of beauty and usefulness.
it’s the record of the outcome of logic and love
Orpah followed logic and outward appearance while Ruth followed her heart.
All reasoning agreed with Naomi's logic and argument.
Loyalty and love surpasses logic and argument.
Loyalty and love move into uncharted territory without thinking about the consequences.
Loyalty and love remains undaunted in spite of future forebodings and uncertainty.
Loyalty and love cares not what the future holds but rest on the God Who holds the future!
Loyalty and love determines to adhere to its object and will not turn aside to the right or to the left.
Loyalty and love is till death do us part.
We never hear of Orpah again but as children of God through the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer we rejoice in Ruth’s decision today!

Naomi had some quality that inspired a unique love and devotion in her daughters in law
The book of Ruth majors in women, both Jewish and Gentile. Out of the bitter came forth sweetness. What urges a young woman to leave the security of her homeland, the familiarity of her neighborhood and closeness of family and journey to a strange people, place...?

it’s a journey on the same path but in opposite directions!
Naomi took a journey out of worry and necessity while Ruth took a journey of love and compassion. Ruth was not ignorant of the customs and cultural difficulties she will encounter but went nevertheless.
Naomi took a journey of convenience while Ruth took a journey of inconvenience.
Naomi's journey appeared logical while Ruth's journey seems illogical
Naomi's journey was to foster well being of self while Ruth's journey was to unselfishly foster well being of her mother in law.
Naomi's journey ended in disaster Ruth's journey ended in eternal blessing.
Naomi's journey started out full while Ruth's journey began with nothing.

Ruth’s famous declaration of absolute commitment forever immortalizes her love, devotion loyalty and determination to never let go! How about us?
And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:  17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. Ruth 1:16-17 KJV
It is interesting to note and examine the rich typology that saturates this tiny tale of eternal significance.
Naomi is Israel. Death of sons and husband brings loss of hope. Israel stands alone. Only a part of the church is willing to stand with her. Israel then returns to destitution and is supported by the Church. Naomi represents Israel, first living in the land, then dispersed in AD 70, to return again in 1948 but has to wait until after the harvest before redemption occurs. Leaving Bethlehem the house of bread and going into Gentile land is like Israel being displaced and scattered to the nations.
Elimelech means “My God is King” Naomi means “Pleasant” Mahlon means “sickly” Chilion means “pining”. Ruth means “friend” and Orpah means “stiffneck”
Both Ruth and Orpah typify Christians
Ruth is a type of the Spirit filled church, the Gentile bride of Christ who crosses Jordan into the land as a friend of Israel. Ruth is the Gentile Christian who crosses over into spiritual fullness.
Orpah represents the Christians who remain uncommitted and move back into the world, losing their identity and testimony! Orpah is the Christian who refuses to move into full commitment and does not go on to maturity in the faith.
Naomi and Ruth returned during the barley season and Ruth gleaned in the fields of Boaz from the barley harvest to the wheat harvest or from Passover to Pentecost before finally becoming the wife of Boaz. The church as a result of the death and resurrection of Christ at Passover came in to existence at Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit!
Boaz means strength and he represents the Kinsman Redeemer or Messiah who redeems us. The Kinsman Redeemer must be a close blood relative, a wealthy person and one who is willing to pay the redemption price! More on this later!

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